


Defense - Miao Hu defended her work with success today

Another Doctor - Miao Hu, defense went very well.
Added by Christoph Paus over 1 year ago

Today (08/25/2022 at 1pm) Miao defended her thesis successfully. She talked for about 50 minutes about here massive thesis (~330 pages) and easily sailed through what she referred to as the grilling session. Iain (zoom) and Christoph, apart from Markus, were also on the committee. Miao's parents were logged in on zoom and must have marveled at the display. A short thank you note all in Chinese rounded up the defense about:

"Precision Measurements of Vector Boson Scattering Production and Searches for Charged Higgs Bosons at the Large Hadron Collider"

It was a great time having Miao on our team here at MIT. Her love and appetite for chocolate was legendary and led us to celebrate her defense with a chocolate pie and a glass (or two) of Californian Chandon. Which seems appropriate considering that she will start the Chamberlain Fellowship at the University of California Berkeley.

All the best for the years to come, unfortunately with ATLAS :-)


Miao and Markus, her advisor:

miao-hu-defending.jpg (1.96 MB) miao-hu-defending.jpg Christoph Paus, 08/25/2022 05:07 PM
miao-hu-and-markus-klute.jpg (2.27 MB) miao-hu-and-markus-klute.jpg Christoph Paus, 08/25/2022 05:07 PM
